Unique by its origin and artisan elaboration method and purity, offers an intense and characteristic smell and provides distinction to your dishes. Sweet variety has a mild subtle flavor. Denomination of Origin: La Vera (Spain)
Sweet smoked paprika.
Marca: El Rey de la Vera
D.O. La Vera. Pimentón Ahumado al método tradicional.
Unique by its origin and artisan elaboration method and purity, offers an intense and characteristic smell and provides distinction to your dishes. Hot variety has a mild spicy flavor. Denomination of Origin: La Vera (Spain).
Hot smoked paprika.
Marca: El Rey de la Vera
D.O. La Vera. Pimentón Ahumado al método tradicional.
Frozen Cooked Octopus Tentacles (Spain)Tentáculos de Pulpo Cocidos Congelados (España)
Galician Style Octopus with Smoked Paprika. An All Times Spanish Classic. Wonder why? Available in ladespensa.ae https://shorturl.at/cgFS3 #octopus #Galicia #Smokedpaprika #EVOO #ladespensauae #shoponline #spain #spanishfood #dubai #thebest #epicure #exclusive
Smoked Paprika Pearls La Chinata Perlas de Pimenton Ahumado La Chinata
Traditional recipes with a surprisingly modern touch.
Suggested by:@lachinatasmokedpaprika
Available in Ladespensa.ae
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Brand: La Chinata
Give your traditional recipes a surprising and original touch.
Intense red in color, and the unmistakable flavor of our Smoked Paprika.
Spherifications of Pimenton de la Vera
Marca: La Chinata
Dale un toque sorprendente y original a tus recetas tradicionales.
De color rojo intenso, y el inconfundible sabor de nuestro Pimentón Ahumado. Ingredientes: Esferificaciones de Pimentón de la Vera
Winter Greens from Navarre Horchard Verduras de Navarra
Best Quality Vegetables are preserved for you to maintain the nutritional properties at the highest level so you can enjoy in your traditional dishes or experiment with new ideaas Available in ladespensa.ae NOW. 40% OFF https://ladespensa.ae/collections/all/40-off
Brand: Son RIA
A pantry must have selection of winter Greens, canned at its optimum moment for you to enjoy at your convenience in salads, stews or any other elaboration.
Pack Contains: 1x Thistle Natural Son RIA 660 g Glass 1x Boiled Potatoes RIA 660g Glass Jar 1x Borage Natural Son RIA 660 g Glass 1x Spinach Son RIA 660 g Glass
Una selección imprescindible en tu despensa de Verduras de invierno, conservadas en su momento óptimo para que puedas disfrutarlas cuando más te convenga en ensaladas, guisos o cualquier otra elaboración.
Contenido del Pack: 1x Cardo Natural Son RIA 660 g Tarro Cristal 1x Patatas Cocidas RIA 660 g Tarro Cristal 1x Borraja Natural Son RIA 660 g Tarro Cristal 1x Espinacas Son RIA 660 g Tarro Cristal
Octopus in Olive Oil Albo 116g Tin Pulpo en aceite de Oliva 116g
Brand: Albo
The typical and delicious octopus, carefully treated, tender and juicy, simply with oil and salt to enjoy one of the delicacies of the rich Galician cuisine.
Ingredients: octopus, olive oil, salt.
Marca: Albo
El típico y riquísimo pulpo, cuidadosamente tratado, tierno y jugoso, simplemente con aceite y sal para disfrutar de una de las exquisiteces de la rica cocina gallega.