Velvet Swim Crab - Necora Galicia Fresh (Spain)


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*Final billing by actual weight

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Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Thursdays and Fridays

Necora Puber

It is one of the richest and tastiest seafood. We can find varied and subtle flavors, from the delicate meat of its legs, to the resounding flavor of its interior. If the crab is ""on food"", the male is as rich as the female. To prevent the legs from falling off, they must be cooked correctly: if they are alive, you must put them in cold water; and they are dead,

in hot water. Don't forget to cook them with bay leaf and don't overcook them as they would be dry.

Preorder - 7 Dí­as

*Factura final según peso.


Martes y Miércoles

Jueves y Viernes

Necora Puber

El macho es tan rico como la hembra.

Para evitar que le caigan las patas, hay que cocerlas correctamente: si están vivas, hay que meterlas en agua frí­a; y se están muertas, en agua caliente.

No olvide cocinarlas con laurel y no se pase en la cocción pues quedarí­an secas.


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