Skewers with White Anchovy and Olives O.GarciaPinchos con Boquerones y Aceituna O. Garcia


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Brand: Olives Garcia

Gilda with olive stuffed with anchovy, pickled anchovy,
red pepper, garlic, and parsley skewered on a toothpick and covered in oil
as a preservative liquid.

Marca: Olives Garcia

Gilda with olive stuffed with anchovy, pickled anchovy,
red pepper, garlic and parsley skewered on a toothpick and covered in oil
as a preservative liquid.

Oil (85% sunflower, 15% olive), olive stuffed with
anchovy (manzanilla olive, water, anchovy paste 9.5% [water, anchovy
33% and stabilizer: sodium alginate], salt, flavor enhancer E-621 and E635, acidulant: citric acid, antioxidant: ascorbic acid and preservative:
potassium sorbate), pickled anchovy (anchovy, sodium chloride (salt) and
acetic acid (vinegar), pickled red pepper (pepper,
sodium (salt), acetic acid (vinegar), sulfurous acid and calcium chloride),
garlic powder and parsley.

Allergens: Contains fish and sulfites. May contain traces of
egg and dairy

Aceite (85% girasol, 15% oliva), aceituna rellena de
anchoa (aceituna manzanilla, agua, pasta anchoa 9,5% [agua, anchoa
33% y estabilizador: alginato sódico], sal, potenciador del sabor E-621 y E635, acidulante: ácido cítrico, antioxidante: ácido ascórbico y conservador:
sorbato potásico), boquerón en vinagre (anchoa, cloruro de sodio (sal) y
ácido acético (vinagre)), pimiento rojo en vinagre (pimiento, cloruro de
sodio (sal), ácido acético (vinagre), ácido sulfuroso y cloruro de calcio),
ajo en polvo y perejil.

Alérgenos: Contiene pescado y sulfitos. Puede contener trazas de
huevo y lácteos


Nutritional Facts Per 100g
Energy / Valor energético 715 kj / 173 kcal
Fat / Grasas 15g
Saturated / Saturadas 2.5g
Carbohydrates / Carbohidratos 2.2g
Sugar / Azúcares 0.1g
Fiber / Fibra Alimentaria 0g
Portein / Proteinas 9.7g
Salt / Sal 2.03g

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